Conference Agenda
The Symposium lasts five days with 1/2 day for tourism. Some sessions will have traditional invited review talks and selected contributed talks. Others will include panel discussions on topics such as: challenges of major astro-computational projects, astroinformatics education, perspectives of computer scientists and engineers, and industry employment of computationally proficient astronomers. Symposium presentations and panels will be broadcasted live online and kept available to the public on a local e-learning platform. Contributed poster papers will be available throughout the meeting and will include a juried competition with prize.
Concerning poster size, it is recommended to use A0 standard (120cm of height x 90cm of width).
The days after the Symposium (Oct 24 afternoon + 25) are dedicated to the EU COST Action BigSkyEarth Conference Education in Big Data Era. For information and registering, plese visit this site.
- Invited Speakers
- Michael Biehl - Prototype-based models in machine learning
- Ken Chambers - Big Data from Pan-STARRS, a bonanza for data mining
- Dan Crichton - Data Science Methodology Transfer from Space Science to Medicine
- Andrie De Vries - Machine learning using R, SQL Server and the Worldwide Telescope
- George Djorgovski - From the Morphological Box to Multidimensional Datascapes
- Shep Doeleman - Event Horizon Telescope
- Pierre Dubath - Euclid data processing challenges
- Pablo Estevez - Big Data Era Challenges in Time Domain Astronomy
- Eric Feigelson - The Changing Landscape of Astroinformatics
- Francisco Forster - HiTS: The High cadence Transient Survey
- Emmanuel Gangler - The European perspective for LSST
- Alyssa Goodman - The Value of High-Dimensional Data Visualization in Science
- Matthew Graham - Detection of quasars in the Time Domain
- Pablo Huijse - Astronomical time series analysis using Information Theoretic Criteria
- Michael Kurtz - The Hausdorff Dimension of Scholarly Thought is Seven plus/minus One
- Tomoaky Ishiyama - Supercomputer simulations of structure formation in the Universe
- Zeljko Ivezic - Everything I'd like to do with LSST data, but don't know (yet) how
- Ashish Mahabal - From Sky to Earth: Data Science Methodology Transfer
- Erzsébet Merényi - Deep data: discovery and visualization
- Sergio Molinari - Visualization-driven access and analysis to astronomical knowledge bases: the case of VIALACTEA
- Fionn Murtagh - Linear-time hierarchical matching and regression: Application to SDSS spectroscopic and photometric redshifts
- Ray Norris - Astroinformatics challenges from next-generation radio continuum surveys
- Victor Pankratius - Computer-Aided Discovery in Astronomy: Leveraging Machine Intelligence for Scientific Insight Generation
- Reynier Peletier - SUNDIAL: Survey Network for Deep Imaging Analysis and Learning
- Kai Polsterer - Machine Learning in Astronomy: new lessons learned from learning machines
- Anna Scaife - Big Telescope, Big Data: Indirect Imaging in the SKA Era
- Bernard Schutz - Time-series deep search: gravitational wave signals in LIGO and Virgo
- Suzanne Staggs - CMB data analysis (title to be finalised)