We present the first release of 3D Milky Way Simulation.
The application graphics technology is based on the Unity engine. The Unity platform is a very powerful graphics engine, born to develop professional videogames and virtualized scenarios.
The simulation is a 3D virtualization of the Milky Way galaxy, including main astronomical subjects and based on realistic assumptions on its structure.
The simulation has the scope to furnish an efficient tool to represent a physically valid model of the galaxy, for public outreach as well as to visualize and project external data gathered from real observations.
The desktop application can be downloaded and installed on your local machine. The application is enclosed into a standalone package. The only step to take in the installation process is to copy the main executable and data directory to the local system.
The Milky Way 3D Simulation is a Master Science thesis project, designed and developed by P. D'Andrea, with the supervision of G. Longo and M. Brescia.